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Custom (windows) form

#This script creates a form with a button. When the button is clicked, captures the time when it was clicked.

import time
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Button, Form

#A. create a blank form
form = Form()
form.Text = 'Hello World'

#B. Create a button to add to the form
#B.1 Define what button will do when clicked
def onClick(sender, eventArgs):
   form.Text = 'Thanks for clicking at ' + time.asctime()
   print time.asctime()

#B.2 Create new button and tell what function to call when clicked
button = Button(Text="Please click")
button.Click += onClick

#B.3 Add button to form
#add button to form

#C. show the form


Unknown said...


Thank you for sharing script.

Unfortunately this script is not working in webplayer. Can you please help us with the modification that will help run this script in webplayer as well?


Jose Leviaguirre said...

Aditya, Check out this other post: