<DIV id="ddowns">
Dropdown 1: <SpotfireControl id="y0urdr0pd0wnpr0p3rtyc0n7r01"" /><br/>
Dropdown 2: <SpotfireControl id="y0urdr0pd0wnpr0p3rtyc0n7r02"" />
JS (6.5-)
$("#ddowns select option:first-child ").text("All")
JS (7.0+)
//change (None) to ALL
function changeSelection(){ $("#ddowns .sf-element-text-box").each(function(i,e){ if (e.innerHTML=="(None)") e.innerHTML="-ALL-" }) }
//change (None) when dropdown is visible
a=document.querySelector("#ddowns .ListItems:first-child").firstChild
setTimeout(changeSelection,50) //if does not work, increase this value
//change (None) first time
I'm new to spotfire and scripting and can't get this to work. Can you be specific as to where to add the JS.
I have added to add it via the HTML editor (via the add JS button) but it does not work for me.
I has also tried script tags but that does not work either
Hello Stuart.
Script tags and other tags inside html might not work because of a 'perform html sanitation" setting. Your spotfire admin should know about this. In any case, this script should work with or without html sanitation. Just put the html in the html text area and add the Javascript code by using the JS button.
Hi Jose,
I am not able to change 'none' in list box property control to 'All' using above script. is it possible only in drop down property?
Ram, it only works for dropdowns
Its not working for 7.5 & above versions
See code for 7.0+ hope it works! The entire architecture on 7+ is totally different
Thanks a Lot Jose !!!!! This absolutely works now :) :)
Thanks Jose
It's working for Single dropdown
any workaround for Multiple dropdown?
Hello Kartik,
I have updated the script. It should work for multiple dropwdowns now. Thanks for your letting us know.
Thanks a lot Jose
This absolutely working now :) :)
Thanks for your post Jose,
i have used the same script for drop down."All" value is showing at the time of first time only,but if i select drop down it's automatically changing to "(None)".
can you please help to resolve the issue.
try increasing the timeout value. Use 500 (1/2 second)
Hmm I seem to have the same issue as Vali. What exactly does increasing the time to 500 do?
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