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How to use Stored Procedures in Infolinks (Data on demand)

This approach is good when you deal with a lot of data that you don't want to load everything in memory, but instead, load the data by chunks, depending on the user selection. This way, users can select what data to load when the analysis opens for the first time (for example last year sales) or while selecting markers on a visualization. 

From the Information Designer window:
  1. Data source: Expand Server->schema -> procedure name (right click)-> New -> Procedure (save)
  2. Library (Element tab): Saved procedure (right click)->New-> Information Link (Save)
From Spotfire Client
  1. File ->Add On-Demand data Table -> choose Information link ->define Input for each parameter (fixed value/property/expression/marking etc)


Ganesh1412 said...

If one of my store procedure takes multiple value how to pass those values from Spotfire. For example I have a SP testSP @systemNames and @systemNames can take comma separated values like "system1, system2, system3"

Jose Leviaguirre said...

Hello Ganesh,

To pass parameters to a SP, you have to select Edit > DT Props and click [Settings] button on the General tab. Here you define what document properties to pass as a parameters. Make sure your SP at the Info-Link level has 'single value' per argument. After that you will need to parse your paramas at the DB level. To store CSV values to your document properties, you can use a multiselect list box property control.